Sunday 15 May 2011

The Twenty Four Elect

Open letter to Dennis

I have had a chance to further ponder your love announcement to do with Panni.

The symbol (archetype) of my marriage to Susan - 2.4.1991 - 24 days prior to your departure on Jemima's day of birth - 26.4.91, stand as an overriding archetypal precondition and synchronicity to your departure from England and your return 20 years later.

When you arrived in the UK again, you were in a mindset that precluded acknowledgement of the importance of the above symbols. You stated you were a Dawkins adherent and as a consequence I did not stress again how closely I felt we were linked psychologically and through the Icthus archetype. The fact that you regarded your visit to me with the same importance as to Paul (displacement symbol) and your other friends, is indicative of how buried were your unintegrated masculine feelings for me, which I, on the contrary, felt very strongly when you stayed here. This omission, like all omissions in expression of the spirit, could not avoid some form of compensation in reality. The paradigm for which, is expressed by me in the matter of my marriage (in denial of my masculine spirit), 24 days prior to your departure.

This naive personal act of mine in 1991, underlines and reverses the Christian drama in a way I could not have imagined at the time. The word Hoax which was imposed on me by my unconscious in respect of the biblical epic, breaks down into 48, which is composed of two pairs of 24 HO=24 AX=24 - the symbol being the sum of the Christian apostles, their female counterparts and the Antichristian apostles and their female counterparts. So it is about a form of Christian reality that goes far beyond the simple homily of the bible and is only referred to in Revelations in a cryptic way: 'they that shall be first shall be last, (and they that shall be last, shall be first)'. I would really stress here that this analysis is not exclusively about historical figures, past or present, it is about essence and the disincarnate (non temporal) intelligence that Jung regarded as archetypes, in other words, living pneuma. Hence, I can no longer take the historical story of Jesus (or the apostles) seriously as historical fact, when I know it relates as much to the activity of the Icthus (Piscean and Capricorn*) archetypes in the present, as it does to their activity in the past. Besides which, the origins of the rituals, that form such an integral part of modern Christianity, are obviously rooted in the obscure cult practices of one, or several groups of adherents and had evolved over many hundreds of years and through past cultures. These cult rituals involved in many cases the use of mind altering natural substances that evoked a 'spiritual experience' and they have left their footprint in such modern rituals as the mortification of the sacramental host, to mention but one. In this sense, both you and Panni are following a well trodden path in human culture, by using drugs and alcohol in pursuit of mind altering states. When Jung passed his understanding of the confusion between THE SPIRIT in the form of PNEUMA and these cult practices, in the form of drink (and drugs), he used the phrase: Spiritum, Spiritus. This eventually found its way to Bill Wilson, who like many before and since, confused SPIRITUS, with CHRISTOS. The reason that humanity is universally hooked on magic, dates back to the earliest cult practices that I mentioned. In using natural mind altering drugs as part of ritual practice (now sanitised - but not expunged), the function of THE SPIRIT is SIMULATED - (in its ability to transcend time and space and seemingly give foreknowledge of impending events, for instance).

Returning to the symbol of my marriage to Susan, 24 days before you departed and 24 days before the birth of Jemima in 1991. I knew that Susan (The Lily*) related to St Stephen (The Crown) by an inculcation I got many years ago from David about the historical and alchemical interrelation of the two archetypes, which I had not, until now, related to you (and to Pandora, who was obviously held in abeyance until now). Archetypal, St Stephen, expressed as a repressed celibate - (in imitatio Christi), left the door open for a successor to conjoin with the after effects of his unconsummated female partner. Thus, two of the twenty four original Icthians were reversed by two of the twenty four contemporaries in the black archetypal brotherhood. The Father archetype, by contrast, holds everything, both the Icthus, (minor Yang) and its counterpart (minor Yin) archetypes, in a continuum of integrated wholeness.

The emancipation of your relation with Pandora is therefore no mean issue of chance, the ground having been laid well in advance, both sexually and spiritually (archetypal), which is why the relation is so fertile. In my case, the transposition of my personal love of David on to Susan conforms to an archetypal transposition of the Goat Fish on to the Icthus. This is exemplified by the notion that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus. This archetypal transposition operates in the Christian belief of millions. That the figure of Jesus is held as the highest attainable state, is a negation of The Father (archetype) and also of the statement attributed to Jesus by the author of the biblical drama, in which the figure of Jesus says, 'greater things than these will you do'. In other words, a full stop has been placed at the end of the sentence and the inherent spirit (archetype) that moved the early Christians is regarded as complete in Jesus. It was left to the Alchemists and Gnostics to be carried forward by the archetypal influences that were as yet unfulfilled by those that had gone before and had surrounded The Anointed One at the beginning of the reign of the first Icthus.

You might realise that I regard the story of Christian celibacy among the apostles and by extension, the priesthood, as part of the Hoax of Christianity. I am once again reiterating the wisdom of treating the biblical drama, which has been interpolated over and over again, as a point of reference to the disincarnate intelligence of the archetypes, the fulfilment of which is in the present, not the past and hence the continued transposition of the figure of Jesus on to The Father.


For me, the relation with Susan led into the world, the founding of Imago and to the material fatherhood of Jemima. It also led to an abandonment of my celibacy and masculine love and a death of the creative masculine spirit. Your relation with Pandora seems to be a reflection and compensation in the same vein as mine with Susan, but reversed in effect - confronting your existing masculine values and in the process of a love relation, creating a necessary transformation.

The stolen oversize black bike that was secured to my fence and which was stolen before you arrived, might well have given me a clue to the outcome of your visit.

The demise of this promising relation is very unfortunate. It carried the spirit, but the human individuals could not sustain it - something with which, I am all too familiar.

The relation I had with Jill showed the promise of producing a child, but this was carried over to Susan.

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